Thursday, April 10, 2008

Tough times

I must admit this week has been a roller coaster of trails. My business is just not doing well and it brakes my heart. Since I was 19 years old I have had this company and to see the market and sales and construction the way that it is makes me very sad. I see my dreams slipping away. I have a huge meeting on Friday at 2:00pm pray for me that I would make sense and that all would agree with the plan. My poor husband has left our company and started a new job this week but He has not gotten home before 9:00pm. Most of the work is manual labor and he is exhausted and I love him so much and not sure how to help. My father is talking to woman and it makes me so uncomfortable. She is traveling here May 4Th and I don't want her in my mom's house or touching or looking at her things. I want my mom back. I must admit that today I am angry with God and I hate myself for it. I just feel that after last year and my mom's death that I deserve grace but no one deserves grace and I need to get over myself. But today is a pity party for me. Pray for me I need to get over this.

1 comment:

Laura said...

praying for you.

love you